A human body is naturally designed to age and this is a fact that cannot be avoided. However, growing old does not mean that the process has to be accompanied by poor health and mobility issues. As people age, they undergo changes that may negatively affect their health. However, it is possible to find ways to prolong the lifespan, improve the quality of life, and enhance the function of the body and mind.
When it comes to combating the aging process, several things help to achieve this such as diet, exercise, mental health care, and advanced technology in the medical field. This article provides useful recommendations on how to avoid age-related changes to the best possible extent. To learn more, keep reading.
1. Maintain a Balanced Diet
Proper diet is one of the keys to good health in the geriatric population. Tasty foods such as fruits and vegetables have vitamins and minerals to support body function against chronic diseases. Low synthase and Omega-3 fatty acids coming from fish and flaxseed are good for your brain while antioxidants from berries and dark green leafy veggies fight oxidation.
2. Stay Physically Active
The elderly welfare centers need to encourage the elderly to engage in some exercise since this is helpful in the maintenance of muscles, and mass bones, and for the circulation of blood in the human body. Some of the things that people can do to stay fit include walking, swimming, or weight-lifting among other exercises.
These activities help improve balance and flexibility. In case of spinal deformities such as Scoliosis, Scheuermann’s Kyphosis, Lordosis, or other conditions that require a minimally invasive spinal deformity procedure, the procedure’s results have a dramatic impact on improving the patient’s quality of life and their ability to move for their day to day activities without pain or discomfort.
3. Regular Health Check-ups
Regular health checkups are crucial in the case of seniors As proactive measures help to identify health issues on time. Maintain a proper diagnosis schedule under the supervision of a healthcare practitioner. Make sure to periodically check blood pressure, cholesterol level, and other vital elements.
Timely treatment of patients with arthritis, osteoporosis, or other diseases will help to significantly increase the quality of life. Modern medical specialists like geriatricians at medical facility offer specialized care and treatment focusing on valid reasons to ensure proper care of senior patients.
4. Prioritize Mental Health
It should also be noted that mental health is as crucial an aspect in the process of aging as is physical health. Engaging activities for the brain such as exercises, reading, and learning new tasks also affect maintaining competency. Social involvement is equally important. Friendships and other forms of interpersonal interactions help to prevent loneliness and depression which is fairly frequent among geriatric patients.
5. Protect Your Skin
Skin is one of the apparent ways through which body aging can be observed from the exterior. Using sunscreen to shield it from ultraviolet rays, wearing appropriate clothing, and limiting the amount of time one spends under direct sunlight help stop early wrinkling of the skin and lower the possibility of skin cancer. Further, regular moisturizing of the skin and the use of creams with retinoids and antioxidants will go a long way in maintaining the skin’s tightness and texture.